

What is Linux?

Linux is a free & Open-Source operating system, it is based on the Unix operating system. It was created by Linus Torvalds in 1991, and it has since become one of the most popular operating systems for servers, supercomputers, and embedded systems. Most 70-90% of applications run on the Linux operating system.

Linux OS has some advantages compared to other operating systems like Windows 10, Windows 11, Chrome OS & Android OS.




Linux has different flavors/distributions:

10 Most Stable Linux Distros In 2021

Linux Architecture :

Introduction to Linux Operating System - GeeksforGeeks

Shell: Shell is a terminal/ Interface which can help to communicate to the Kernel using commands.

Kernel: It is a core part of the operating system which can manage system resources like CPU, Memory & Disk space.

Hardware: The physical components of the computer system like Motherboard, RAM, CPU & Hardisk.

Linux Commands you must know

Touch -creates a file

Mkdir -creates a directory/ folder

Whoami - it shows the username of who logged in

pwd -it displays the present working directory

cd -change directory

cp -copy the file from source to destination

ls -list the file & folders

mv -rename the file/folder

rm -remove the file & folders

cat -to view the content of the file

echo -it prints/ displays the content

useradd -create a new user

ps - it displays active processes which are running

sudo -it is used to run commands with administrative privileges

chmod -Change permissions of file & folder (rwx)